The Collaborative

Therapy for teens

Reconnect with your teen

Adolescence is a confusing time for parents too. This is a perfect time to think together about healthy risk taking, connect through vulnerability, non-judgemental guidance about decision making, use mindfulness to find space before impulsive behavior or track stuck internal or relational patterns, as well as recognize and build on unique personal qualities, talents or strengths.


Alleviate some of life’s pressures

When teens struggle emotionally, they tend to draw in or lash out. We tackle a wide range of adolescence issues to help teens and their parents tackle the internal and external pressures of life.

  • Mood, anxiety & social difficulties

  • Anger management, conflict and emotion regulation

  • Academic pressure and learning difficulties

  • Attention, hyperactivity and executive function

  • Trauma & stress

  • Oppositional and explosive behaviors

  • Medical and health issues

  • Change, loss and bereavement

  • Family structure or systems change - adoption, separation/divorce, blended families, birth of sibling, moving


Parenting from your Best Self

Adolescence pushes us all to redefine our relationship, or limit it. It’s a time to listen, grow curious, pull deep in our courage as a parents, root into the love we have given our kids up to this point. That love lives in them even when they show the opposite. We may have unconsciously passed down some unhealthy patterns but are unsure how to turn this around.


Take the first step towards reconnecting with what you care about, the people you love, and your sense of self.